Our team has extensive experience in the field of chemical engineering and can assist your business in synthesis, extraction, purification and analysis development as well as GMP requirement complience.

  • The aim of our work is closing the gap between laboratory and industrial scale via pilot-scale development. This activity enables to demonstrate the commercial potential of the new technology.
  • Multitude of different type of reactors enables us to execute a number of different projects simultaneously. There are glass reactors from 20 to 100 Liters, enamelled reactors from 10 to 1600 Liters, stainless steel reactors from 10 up to 600 Liters, high pressure high temperature reactors from 200 mL up to 10 Liters. We can conduct catalytic hydrogenation reactions in extreme conditions – up to 500 bar and 500 degrees Celsius. We are open-minded and flexible team which is devoted to solve your problems.
  • We provide a wide range of services and products in the field of organic chemistry.

Our focus is our customers!